In short, the answer is Yes! It may be causing cancer and the reason is that the maximum allowed limits for all the chemicals in your drinking water does not mean that the water cannot harm you at all.

a girl is staring at the water dripping from facet

Recently, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group has released some information that water contamination in the US, even though the water is within the standard and labelled as safe out of 10,000 people who drink it over time 4 will be getting cancer!

Tap water could cause over 100,000 cases of cancer in the USA.

According to the study, tap water contains a mix of chemicals, including 22 carcinogenic contaminants which can harm you over time. 87% of these carcinogenic materials are from arsenic (which will be naturally occurring) and common disinfectants that we use every day.

What can be done?

We need to ask governments to set new standards with lower limits (even zero for some contaminants), protect the source water. Another thing is that cities need to switch from chlorine to ozone and UV for water disinfection and also upgrade the water distribution system. For a household, a good filtration system might help, but they are expensive and you may end up spending thousands of dollars.

Did you know you can simply test your water for contaminants by commercially available kits.

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